Posts are linked here when they have list content. Follow creators to get direct news from them. Delete old mods before you replace them with updated ones. Read each mod's installation instructions.
Read the FAQ about mod use in the Resources list below. In the end, YOU are responsible for your mod use.
new translations (except where translations were broken), spelling changes, new recipes, and some other very minor changes.In this new home on AHQ, you can subscribe to the thread to receive notifications by email (select Topic Options). Some of you will be familiar with the thread – it takes over from the threads I ran for several years on the Sims 4 Forums, to which you may have been sent from here before. If you use mods, this thread's lists and ongoing reports can help you prevent game errors and help you avoid having to do a 50-50 of all your mods. It also tracks updated game mods and non-cosmetic updates to custom content. This thread tracks Sims 4 mods and CC that have been 'broken' or made obsolete by game updates or declared unsupported by their creators. Information, Guides and Announcements for the EA app.